About the Patient Participation Group




The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients registered with the surgery who have no medical training but have an interest in the services provided. The aim of the PPG is to represent patients' views and cross barriers, embracing diversity and to work in partnership with the surgery to improve common understanding. Please speak to a member of our reception team if you are interested in joining the group or contact us via Klinik 'General Enquiries' from our home page.

We try to meet every two to three months on a Monday lunchtime. View the agendas and minutes from the previous meeting below:

PPG Image


Previous Meeting Minutes

Date: 8th January 2024

Attendees: Pat Jenkins, Claire Gallagher, Zoe Bell, Michelle Gavin, Peter Churchill-Coleman, John Roberts, David Astil, Diana Rayner, Annabel Beasley


Diabetes Talk

The group ran through last-minute preparations for the diabetes talk.

Post-meeting note:

The Diabetes talk on 18th January was well attended with around 70 people including speakers, PPG members and practice staff.  

There were a wide range of speakers and talks which included: 

  • Ken Tait, Chair of Diabetes UK Bromley gave an overview of diabetes.
  • Dr Zoe Bell, a research associate at King’s College London talked about nutrition in diabetes.
  • Nikki Buamah, Clinical Pharmacists, Coach and Author, talked about mindfulness in diabetes and had the audience on their feet for some practical mindfulness and relaxation tips.
  • Shama Patel, Clinical Pharmacist from Parkside Group Practice spoke about the diabetes clinic and what to expect if you attend.
  • Mai-Britt Howard Jones gave an insightful talk about her experience of living with type 1 diabetes.

There was a special guest appearance from Sue and her medical assistance dog who has been trained to detect when Sue’s blood sugar levels are dropping to prevent an emergency situation.


Healthwatch Croydon

Pat updated the group on a Healthwatch Croydon meeting she had recently attended. Healthwatch Croydon works to get the best out of local health and social care services, supporting local people to:

  • help shape health and social care deliver
  • influence the services they receive
  • hold services to account 

Healthwatch Croydon are setting up a PPG network in the area and the Parkside PPG will be updated news from that collaboration as and when appropriate. 


Patient Engagement Meeting

The practice is holding a patient engagement meeting on Wednesday 7th March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Christchurch Hall, 859 Brighton Road, Purley, CR9 2BN

This is a joint meeting with Keston Medical Centre to collect feedback on Klinik one year on from its implementation at both practices. 

Further details and a link to a short survey can be found on the website


Practice updates

The BMA Safe Working guidance which was discussed at the previous PPG meeting in November will start to be implemented in February. 

Feedback the practice has received over the past year has been 92-95% positive. The Junior Doctors strike has affected the practice and availability of appointments. 

There are longer waiting times on the phone lines now as the telephonists have been trained to ask for more information which they pass onto the clinical staff.

The team are working on reducing the length of time for routine appointment which is currently at around 3 weeks.  

Date of next meeting: TBC